The value of celebrating our biggest achievements

Looking back, 2016 was a particularly challenging year for me.  I had to step up my responsibility as a caregiver in my family, learn how to transition from paid employment to being fully self-employed and - vertigo.  The world around me suddenly did not seem to be moving forward progressively anymore, but actually taking steps back.  It was all happening at once and it was all quite exhausting.

So when 2017 started, I decided to have one main goal. 

My goal was to show up fully and with gratitude for what I have.  I did not make a list of major career goals to achieve and I did not place high expectations for myself.  Everything I did, I was fully present for.  Every meeting I had I prepared well for and gave others my full attention.  The same went for time with family and friends. 

Every day had some time set aside for self-care and I let people help me when I needed it.  And little by little, everything started to change and 2017 turned into one of my best years to date.  True story.  Some of my biggest achievements were:

·       My family had their own individual achievements I am so very proud of

·       My business has many new inspiring clients to work with, which I am always full of happiness and gratitude for

·       Travelling on a dream trip to Africa!

·       Moving to a new, more comfortable home in a lovely town

·       I found the time, space and inspiration to put together a one-day transformational  workshop for clients

·       I found a new coach for myself, a coach of coaches!, who matches my personality and aspirations

In January of this year, I could never have predicted many of the amazing things that were about to happen.  2017 has been incredible, but if I hadn’t taken the time to take care of myself, I would not have been in the right place to enjoy all the positive changes this year has brought and be as productive. 

Looking back to reflect on the year that has passed, the questions I find most useful to reflect on are:

·       What were you able to achieve this year?

·       What has reaching these goals taught you about yourself and what’s possible?

·       What is the gift you will bring with you into the New Year?

If 2017 has been particularly challenging for you, just getting up every day and taking on as much as you could handle despite feeling 

a)       Unwell

b)      Fatigued

c)       Broken-hearted

d)      Bored

e)      All of the above - is an achievement to be celebrated. 

Whatever it was, you got through it, or are getting through it, and are making space for new things to come.  If like me, this year was one of happy surprises and creating higher possibilities for yourself in joyful ways.  How wonderful!  Celebrate that too!!

A calendar year will generally have a mixture of highs and lows, but starting our end-of-year reflections with gratitude and appreciation for what we have and what we have achieved, opens the door to many more possibilities than if we focus first on what didn’t get done.  It puts us in the right frame of mind to see bigger opportunities and take more positive action.  

If change is on your wish list for 2018, send me a message and let’s talk about it! 

Wishing you Happy Holidays and a 2018 full of joyful surprises!


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash